Curated from the world of SMB (small to medium business), From Tech Guide, Internal Communications, AI for Growth and more...
Curated from the world of SMB (small to medium business)...
Curated from the world of SMB (small to medium business)... Most Influential M&A Women, Brand Ready for Acquisition?, Growth Strategies, Hiring the Wrong Talent, and the recession's impact on M&A
Curated from the world of SMB (small to medium business)... buy, sell or grow organically. Walmart and Citigroup Lending for SMB. Are you doing acquisitions the wrong way? Grow your SMB into a Holdco.
Curated from the world of SMB M&A...your merger checklist; innovations in buying & selling digital assets; review of $20mm/yr exporter; what you can't ignore in M&A; after the sale; & more...
Find out ... Partial acquisitions and reducing risk. Corporate carve-outs, an intro. Selling Amazon stores. Latin American. M&A Integration. What size business should I buy? New tech for integration.
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We are the go-to source for industry insights, expert analysis, and the latest news on SMB M&A.