This week in The Hub - Main Street Weekly M&A

Find out ... Partial acquisitions and reducing risk. Corporate carve-outs, an intro. Selling Amazon stores. Latin American. M&A Integration. What size business should I buy? New tech for integration.

We do the research and bring you what’s pertinent when you want to buy or sell your first or your next business.


In the Pods …

Raleigh Williams is a former M&A lawyer turned entrepreneur. Sold his last company for $26M and is now the CEO of Dealmaven, where they help entrepreneurs scale their businesses using mergers and acquisitions. Listen to the interview as they talk about deals, risks and partial acquisitions. Listen Now … (52:27)

Selling an Amazon business can be a complex process, but with the right preparation, it can be a smooth and successful transaction. In order to sell your Amazon business, it's important to have all your ducks in a row. This includes making sure your accounting is up-to-date, addressing any compliance and intellectual property (IP) issues, and anticipating the questions that potential buyers may have. In this podcast episode, John Cavendish and Taliesen Hollywood, Director at Hahnbeck, provide insights into the best practices for selling an Amazon business and offer valuable tips on how to prepare for and navigate the sales process. Listen now … (51:00)

Full of complexity and challenging to implement, the corporate carve-out form of divestiture is gaining interest in the M&A world. Eric Jones is an expert in carve-out deals, and he shares insights on what hurdles to watch for and how to prepare for a carve-out transaction. Eric discusses what a carve-out is, what makes them tricky, how they unlock shareholder value, the legal and operational issues, the importance of the transaction services agreement, and the role of diligence in making this type of M&A deal successful. Listen Now …(45:00)

In this episode, we’re finding out about M&A trends in Latin America. Joining Julie-Anna Needham is Ana Toral, Correspondent for Chile and Ecuador at Mergermarket. Listen Now … (11:48)

M&A integration in tech has changed quite a bit over the last twenty years. Integration has evolved from integration volunteers, to large teams with detailed tracking, to dedicated teams and Agile approaches. In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, Pat Belotti, VP of Corporate Development Integration at Zendesk, delves into the evolution of integration. Listen Now … ( 1:01:08)

BIG Shout-Out to Nunzio Presta and his team at

Our co-founder, Ron Skelton, appeared at the #BossUp “Let’s Buy A Business” Virtual conference and had a blast! We’re sharing his session with you here.

In the News/Blogs …

When Should I Sell My Business? This question is impossible for anyone to answer except for you. Selling your business can allow you to lock in your profits, cut your losses, free up your time etc… Keeping your business can allow you to continue with regular profit (or losses?), Force you to invest your time or manage your employees, Run the risk of the industry changing while you aren't paying attention and more.. Read more … (2600 words)

Financing challenges disrupted deal-making last year, but many companies adjusted in ways that sidestepped market volatility or minimized costs

The total value of deals announced globally fell 37% last year from 2021’s record high to $3.61 trillion, according to financial data company Read More … (1300 words)

In the Knowledge

When buying a business, it's important to understand the legal aspects of the process, conduct due diligence and consult an experienced attorney. Additionally, be aware of employee benefits and wages, taxation, intellectual property rights, permits and licenses. Finally, disputes can be avoided by clearly defining the terms of the transaction in a contract. Learn Nolo’s steps on buying a business:

  1. Find a Business to Buy

  2. Conduct Your Due Diligence

  3. Choose a Deal Structure

  4. ... 5 … 6…. 7 … 8… Read More … (1,400 words)

Selling your retail business is a complex and time-consuming process that requires putting a course of action in place to help you attract the best opportunities. Our roadmap will help you determine the value of your business, hire the right help, develop an exit plan, market your retail business to buyers, and help you navigate negotiation to help close the deal successfully. Read More … (2,015 words)

In this quick lesson, David lays out all the considerations you should be thinking about when you decide how big a business to pursue. Listen here … (16:00)

New Bonus Trainings, a gift from us to you:

Our Co-Founder Ronald Skelton spoke at #BossUkp where he covered “Sourcing Off Market Deals,” and we’ve included a special replay here just for you!

We’re also gifting all our readers access to Ron’s private 2022 training, “LinkedIn Deal Sourcing Automation.”

Use these Pro Guides to discover how to

  • create focus

  • define a market

  • source a list

  • give you examples of what to send

Once you’re getting results, the advanced training will help you automate your lead-generation process and leverage LinkedIn to source quality deals using automation tools.

In the BIG Guys Corner … (middle market and above)

Kroger and Albertsons are moving ahead with a plan to divest between 250 and 300 stores in an effort to satisfy regulators that are reviewing the companies’ $24.6 billion planned merger, according to a Friday report from Reuters citing unnamed sources familiar with the matter.

The stores, which are located in regions across the U.S. where both Kroger and Albertsons operate, could generate more than $1 billion in sales, according to the report.

It’s unclear where exactly the review process for the megamerger stands at this point, though the report noted that the companies have begun discussing their divestiture plan with the Federal Trade Commission as well as potential buyers. Both grocers along with the FTC declined to comment to Reuters. Read more … (700 words)

In the calendar …

Sourcing a deal that is quick to diligence and easy to integrate may feel like searching for a four-leaf clover. Ready to become your company’s M&A good luck charm? Join us for the M&A Science Spring Summit of March 2023! Come and learn new M&A tips and techniques that will leave you feeling like you just found a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow! Check it out …

A twice-monthly networking meeting where acquisitions entrepreneurs come together online to build teams, share ideas and resources, and help each other succeed. The first and Third Tuesday of each month. Check it out 

A live gathering of SMB, Micro-PE, and ETA Owners, operators, and Investors. Check it out

The official “Un-Conference” of micro-PE. Where Holding Companies Meet, Learn, Scale, and Grow. Check it out

In the Sosh … who to follow this week

Mike Finger - the dude's posts are just the best

Check out this post where he talks about “not ready to sell yet.” It’s both entertaining and educational.

Leila Hormozi, CEO of - You Probably already follow her and her husband Alex

They spend a great deal of time and money generating great content. Check out this post.


(Reach out to Gia or Ron and show us some love). 

Connect with Gia Cilento - Editor & Co-Founder — LinkedIn Twitter

Connect with Ronald Skelton, Co-Founder — LinkedIn Twitter 

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